Waiting For Newgrange

A first day out of the city and into the car took us about an hour north to see Newgrange, a large monument that was ancient by the time the Pyramids were built, and even predates Stonehenge by 1000 years. As my kind of thing, I was really excited to go see this structure.

But as luck would have it, we left Dublin later than we hoped and didn't arrive until midafternoon. And by the time we got there as only one tour left for the day, and it was over two hours away. Also the tour guides cautioned that Tilia would not like going through the long passage that goes under the structure and recommended we tour another one of the monuments in the area known as Knowth.

There was still an hour wait for Knowth, but we decided this was the best bet for our situation. Besides, it's claimed that one third of all European megalithic art is contained at Knowth, and intriguing prospect by any measure.

This set was taken during our drawn out wait at the Bru Na Boinne Visitor Center, which is, as it turns out, quite a picturesque visit in its own right.

oroboros on 10/28/2011 7:17:26 PM